Unmarshal Telegram Bot

The Unmarshal Telegram is a quick and easy way to get essential blockchain data using simple commands right on telegram.




This command lists out all the various commands the bot supports and various ways of interaction.

Usage Example:

/start will list out all commands and help data



This command allows you to set a favourite token for your /price command. In groups, only the admin is allowed to call this value

Usage Example:

/setfav [token symbol] will set a particular token as your favourite.

Example: /setfav MARSH will set $MARSH as your favourite token.



This command fetches the price of your favourite token by default or the price of any other token provided the symbol as the argument.

Usage Example:

/price will fetch the price of the token set as your favourite.
/price [token symbol] will fetch the price of the given token using its symbol.

Example: /price BNB will fetch the price of $BNB



This command fetches your token balance provided an address. It fetches your balance on both the ethereum and Binance Smart chain albeit for only your top two assets.
For any more information, you could use the chain specific version of this command.

Usage Example:

/bal [address] will fetch the assets balance of an address on both the ethereum and Binance chains.

Example: /bal 0x71eEAEB679B69D0773adB1923566c8390B10917a should fetch the assets balance of the provided address.



This command fetches your top 4 assets and token balance on the Ethereum chain, provided an address.
For any more information, you could visit xscan.io for a complete list of your assets.

Usage Example:

/baleth [address] will fetch the assets balance of an address on the ethereum chain.

Example: /baleth 0x71eEAEB679B69D0773adB1923566c8390B10917a should fetch the assets balance of the provided address.



This command fetches your top 4 assets and token balance on the Binance Smart Chain chain, provided an address.
For more information, you could visit xscan.io for a complete list of your assets.

Usage Example:

/balbsc [address] will fetch the assets balance of an address on the Binance chain.

Example: /balbsc 0x9447e3eD2A23572F7Be359216321f7e67B364BaC should fetch the assets balance of the provided address.



This command fetches your top 4 assets and token balance on the Polygon/Matic chain, provided an address.
For more information, you could visit xscan.io for a complete list of your assets.

Usage Example:

/balmatic [address] will fetch the assets balance of an address on the Polygon chain.

Example: /balmatic 0xc0899474Fa0a2f650231bEfCD5C775C2d9ff04f1 should fetch the assets balance of the provided address.



This command used with a chain and the transaction ID gives you transaction details. It supports 4 chains and accepts any of the following as chain ID
The following values for chain are accepted:

  • Ethereum : ethereum, eth
  • Binance : bsc, binance
  • Polygon/Matic : mat, matic, polygon

Usage Example:

The common syntax for usage is:

/txn [chain] [txn ID/txn signature]


  • /txn eth 0x6d31131c68dca233240b9f13da313b26d3a33461cb8f8243bb8d57273d14c9b5 for a transaction on the ethereum chain.
  • /txn bsc 0xf32532225a42f7ba7a5db1806b5c924594278744684c894cd00d4ca2973a19a1 for a transaction on the BSC chain.
  • /txn mat 0xd6818c0699cfc5a38ed89a4aa3da9e6df641e884d1642f833178590f7f6f41fe for a transaction on the Polygon chain.



Fetches the top 3 assets on the Ethereum and Binance chain that have the highest increases in relative price.

Usage Example:

/topgainers Will fetch a list of the top gainers on ethereum and BSC



Fetches the top 3 assets on the Ethereum and Binance chain that have the highest decreases in relative price.

Usage Example:

/toplosers Will fetch a list of the top losers on ethereum and BSC



This command fetches the current gas price for a normal eth transfer on the Ethereum chain

Usage Example:

/gaseth Will fetch the current gas price.