JUMP TOIntroductionOverviewSupported ChainsAPI weightsAuthenticationWhitepaperUnmarshal Core APisBalances - ERC20 & NFTFungible ERC20 Token BalancesgetFungible ERC20 Token Balances V2getProfit and LossgetFungible ERC20 Token Balances - BatchgetNon Fungible Nft Token BalancesgetTransactionTransaction History for AddressgetHistory by address with pricegetHistory by Address with transaction countgetToken TransactionsgetTransaction DetailsgetToken Transactions with countgetWallet Transaction CountgetFungible Tokens - ERC20Top Token HoldersgetToken Holders CountgetToken Details by ContractgetToken Details by SymbolgetList of all TokengetList of all Token in custom chainsgetPrice by SymbolgetPrice by AddressgetPrice for Tokens in bulkgetTop GainersgetTop LosersgetLP Tokens PricegetNon Fungible Tokens - NFTsNft Transaction History by addressgetNft Metadata by contract or specific token idgetNft Transaction History by contract or specific token idgetList Nfts under a particular contractgetHistorical Nft holders by NftgetNft SummarygetNft Summary V2getChains ApisDetails by numbergetDetails by hashgetTransactions by blocknumbergetTransactions By block HashgetLog events by topicsgetPartisia Chain Node APISKadena Chain Node APISNotifications APIsTransactional NotificationSubscribe WebhookpostSubscribe FirebasepostUnsubscribeUnsubscribepostBulkUnsubscribeFirebasepostBulkUnsubscribeWebhookpostFirebaseSpecificUpdate server credentialspostRefresh TokenpostListSubscriptionsgetReceiptsgetUnmarshal SDKGolang SDKTypescript SDKParser (Smart Contract Indexer)What is Unmarshal Parser?Setting up an Indexer Using Unmarshal ParserAccessing parser data through MetabaseAccessing parser data through GraphQLAccessing parser data through Data Explorer and Dynamic APIAccessing parser data through Prebuilt AnalyticsUnmarshal utility schemaChain Specific ConifgSolanaKadenaTeligram BotUnmarshal Telegram BotToken Transactionsget https://api.unmarshal.com/v2/{chain}/token/{contract}/transactionsThis API provides all the transactions of a token address.